B101: Reservoir Engineering

B101: Reservoir Engineering

Last Update Wednesday December 27th, 2023
0 already enrolled

About This Course

The job of any reservoir engineer is to maximize production from a field to obtain the best economic return. To do this, the engineer must study the behavior and characteristics of a petroleum reservoir to determine the course of future development and production that will maximize the profit. Fluid flow, rock properties, water and gas coning, and relative permeability are only a few of the concepts that a reservoir engineer must understand to do the job right, and some of the tools of the trade are water influx calculations, lab tests of reservoir fluids, and oil and gas performance calculations. This course provides solid information and insights into reservoir engineering for petroleum engineers and engineering students. It goes beyond fundamental principles to emphasize intuitive understanding and practical interpretation. Numerous examples from a wide variety of applications demonstrate the performance of processes under dynamic conditions.

Learning Objectives

This course provides solid information and insights into reservoir engineering for petroleum engineers and engineering students...

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